Best Places to Install Home Security Cameras

Home security cameras are an essential component of any modern home security system. They provide peace of mind by allowing homeowners to monitor their property, deter potential intruders, and gather evidence in case of a security breach. 

However, knowing where to install these cameras is crucial for maximising their effectiveness. Explore the best places to install home security cameras to enhance the safety and security of your home.

Entry points

One of the most critical areas to install home security cameras is at entry points such as doors and windows. These are the primary points of entry for burglars and intruders, making them ideal locations for surveillance cameras. 

Place cameras near the front and back doors, garage doors, and any other entry points to your home. This allows you to monitor who enters and exits your property and provides valuable footage in case of a break-in.

Front door

The front door is the most common entry point for burglars, making it a priority area for camera installation. Position a camera above the front door to capture clear footage of anyone approaching or leaving your home. 

Ensure the camera is placed high enough to prevent tampering and angled to provide a full view of the door and surrounding area.

Backyard and garden

Backyards and gardens are often overlooked when it comes to home security, but they can be vulnerable areas for intruders. Install cameras overlooking these areas to monitor for any suspicious activity. 

Consider placing cameras near outdoor valuables such as bikes, tools, or garden furniture to deter theft.


Installing security cameras in the driveway can help you keep an eye on vehicles entering and leaving your property. This is particularly useful for monitoring deliveries, visitors, and potential trespassers. 

Position cameras to capture clear footage of vehicles and their occupants, ensuring complete coverage of the driveway area.

Common areas

Interior security cameras are essential for monitoring common areas inside your home. Place cameras in living rooms, hallways, and other high-traffic areas to keep an eye on activity inside the house. 

This allows you to monitor for intruders and keep track of family members and pets when you’re away from home.

Blind spots

Identify any blind spots around your property where intruders could potentially gain access unnoticed. These areas may include dark corners, alleyways, or obscured entry points. Install cameras to cover these blind spots and ensure comprehensive surveillance of your home.

High-risk areas

Certain areas of your property may be more susceptible to security threats than others. These high-risk areas may include detached garages, sheds, or outbuildings, which are often targeted by burglars. Install security cameras in these areas to deter intruders and capture footage of any suspicious activity.

Points of vulnerability

Assess your home for points of vulnerability, such as weak spots in fencing, broken windows, or poorly lit areas. These are areas where intruders are more likely to attempt entry or escape. Install cameras to monitor these points of vulnerability and enhance the overall security of your home.

Maximise your home security system

Choosing the right locations for home security camera installation is essential for maximising the effectiveness of your home security system. By strategically placing cameras at entry points, high-risk areas, and points of vulnerability, you can deter intruders, monitor activity, and protect your home and family. 

Invest in high-quality security cameras and ensure proper installation to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your home is safe and secure.

If you want to learn more about CCTV security and what it can do for your home, take a look at our range, including smart and bespoke security cameras. 

How To Choose The Best Security System For Your Home

Ensuring the safety and security of your home and loved ones is a top priority for any homeowner. With the advancement of technology, there are now numerous options available on the market when it comes to home security systems. From basic alarm systems to sophisticated security systems that can be managed remotely, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. 

In this guide, we will walk you through the essential factors to consider to help you select the best home security system for your needs.

Understanding your needs

Before diving into the plethora of security systems available, it’s crucial to assess your specific requirements. Are you primarily concerned about deterring burglars, monitoring your property remotely, or both? Understanding your needs will guide you in selecting the most suitable home security system.

It’s important to know why you want a security system, as that will guide what elements you add to your system (e.g. access control, physical security, CCTV etc.)

Types of security systems

There are various types of home security systems to choose from, including security camera systems, security alarm systems, and integrated security systems. Each type offers distinct features and functionalities, so it’s essential to evaluate them based on your preferences and budget.

We offer both home security system and  smart home security systems. These different packages aren’t set in stone and can be adjusted to align more closely with your needs.

Features to look for

When evaluating different security systems, pay attention to key features such as motion detection, night vision capability, two-way audio, and smartphone integration. These features enhance the effectiveness and convenience of your home security system.

Modern security systems boast remote management capabilities, allowing homeowners to effortlessly monitor the safety and security of their property, including access control, CCTV, and more.

Budget considerations

While investing in a security system is essential for your home’s safety, it’s also important to consider your budget. Fortunately, there are options available to suit every budget, from basic alarm systems to high-end security camera systems. Determine how much you’re willing to spend and explore options within your price range.

There is no need to invest in a highly complex and expensive system if it goes above and beyond your needs, make sure you speak to numerous security providers to get a lay of the land.

Professional monitoring vs. self-monitoring

Another crucial decision to make is whether you prefer professional monitoring or self-monitoring for your home security system. Professional monitoring services offer round-the-clock surveillance and immediate response to emergencies, while self-monitoring allows you to oversee your security system remotely through a smartphone app.

Proper professional monitoring can serve as an additional deterrent to bad actors, but the use of effective security tools can also perform that role.

Compatibility and integration

If you already have other smart home devices such as smart locks or thermostats, consider opting for a home security system that seamlessly integrates with them. This ensures compatibility and enhances the overall functionality of your smart home.

It’s advised to get as many of your security systems, if not all, from a single source to ensure compatibility and smooth operation.

Installation and setup

The ease of installation and setup can vary depending on the type of security system you choose. While some systems are DIY-friendly and can be easily installed, others may require professional installation. Consider your technical skills and preferences when selecting a home security system.

Opting for security providers who oversee every aspect of the process—from design and manufacturing to installation—is likely to yield the best results. With expertise across the entire vertical, their unparalleled understanding of security and tailored solutions ensures optimal performance for your needs.

Scalability and expansion

As your security needs evolve over time, it’s essential to choose a security system that is scalable and allows for expansion. Whether you need to add more security cameras or upgrade to advanced features, ensure that your chosen system can accommodate future changes.

This is where choosing a trusted and reputable company in the field can pay off.

Customer reviews and reputation

Before making a final decision, take the time to research customer reviews and testimonials for the security systems you’re considering. Pay attention to reliability, customer support, and overall satisfaction to gauge the reputation of the brand.

Never put the safety of your home and family in the hands of a company with a questionable reputation. The best security companies work tirelessly to please their customers and keep them safe, which needs to be reflected in their reputation.

Complex decisions need time

Selecting the right home security system is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. By understanding your needs, evaluating features, and considering budget and compatibility, you can choose the best home security system for your peace of mind. It won’t be a quick process to pick the best security system for your home, but with enough research, a winning candidate should stand out.

Remember to prioritise safety and invest in a system that provides comprehensive protection for your home and loved ones. Learn more about our smart home security and home security solutions.

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Secure

Peace of mind is priceless, especially when it comes to the safety and security of your loved ones and your belongings. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to deter potential intruders and create a safer living environment. 

Here are five key ways you can boost your home security.

1. Invest in a robust home security system

A high-quality home security system acts as the central nervous system of your security setup. Modern systems offer a range of features.

Intrusion detection: These systems use strategically placed sensors on doors and windows to detect unauthorised entry. When triggered, they emit a loud siren and can send an alert to your smartphone or a central monitoring station.

Remote access and monitoring: Many systems allow you to remotely arm and disarm your system, view live footage from security cameras and receive notifications of any activity.

Environmental monitoring: Some systems can also monitor for smoke, carbon monoxide, and water leaks, providing an extra layer of protection for your home.

Consider a burglar security system with features that suit your needs and budget. 

Don’t forget to factor in professional installation for optimal functionality.

2. Utilise the power of CCTV cameras

CCTV cameras are a highly effective visual deterrent to would-be intruders. The presence of cameras alone can be enough to discourage a break-in attempt. 

Here’s how CCTV systems can enhance your security:

Increased deterrence: Prominently placed CCTV cameras send a clear message to potential intruders that they are being watched.

Improved situational awareness: CCTV footage provides valuable evidence in the event of a break-in, helping to identify and apprehend the culprits.

Remote monitoring: With a CCTV system, you can keep an eye on your property from anywhere with an internet connection, offering peace of mind while you’re away.

3. Don’t underestimate the importance of a fire alarm

While most people associate security systems with deterring burglaries, fire safety is equally important. A properly functioning fire alarm can provide vital early warnings in the event of a fire, giving you and your family precious time to evacuate. 

Here’s why a fire alarm is essential:

Early detection saves lives: A fire alarm can sound the alert even when you’re sleeping or unaware of a fire’s presence, allowing for a swift escape.

Provides valuable time for action: The early warning from a fire alarm gives you time to extinguish a small fire before it escalates or safely evacuate your home.

Peace of mind: Knowing you have a functioning fire alarm in place can provide significant peace of mind, especially for those with young children or elderly relatives in the home.

4. Utilise security lighting

Strategic use of outdoor lighting can significantly deter burglars who prefer to operate under the cover of darkness. Well-lit areas eliminate potential hiding places for intruders, making them feel less comfortable attempting a break-in. 

This increased visibility allows you and your neighbours to see what’s happening around your property, deterring crime and aiding in the identification of suspicious activity. Motion-activated lights add an extra layer of deterrence by surprising potential intruders and illuminating the area upon detection of movement, making it difficult for them to proceed unnoticed. Invest in high-quality security lights to illuminate entry points and vulnerable areas around your property. 

By improving the overall visibility around your home, you can significantly discourage criminal activity.

5. Cultivate a community watch network

Getting to know your neighbours and looking out for each other can be a great way to boost security. If you work together, you’ll have more people watching out for suspicious activity. This can scare off criminals and help you catch them if something does happen. Knowing your neighbours are watching your house can also make you feel safer. 

Why not reach out and see if you can start a neighbourhood watch programme? By working together, you can create a friendlier and safer place to live.

Creating a layered approach to security

By implementing these five key strategies, you can create a layered security approach that deters crime, protects your loved ones, and provides peace of mind. Remember, even small improvements to your home security can make a significant difference.

At Secom, we offer a comprehensive range of home security options, including home security systems, CCTV cameras, fire alarms, security lighting, and more. 

Explore our home security range.

Stop Those Pesky Porch Pirates: How to Beef Up Your Defence Against Package Thieves

Online shopping is a modern marvel, isn’t it? The ease, the convenience, the thrill of anticipation as you await your delivery. But alas, sometimes that excitement is swiftly replaced by disappointment when you find your doorstep bare and your packages pilfered by porch pirates.

The rise of doorstep theft has become a pressing concern, so much so that some US States have enacted laws to combat it. Opportunistic thieves lurk, eyeing unattended deliveries or even brazenly watching drivers and snatching items right after they’re dropped off. In 2023 alone, a staggering one in ten households reported falling victim to this crime, with London emerging as a hotspot for it.

While legislative measures might only be in the works across the pond, fear not! Here in the UK, we’ve got some strategies to outsmart those porch pirates and keep your precious deliveries safe and sound.

  • Parcel Tracking: Leverage the power of parcel tracking. Many courier services offer real-time tracking, allowing you to monitor your package’s journey and even reschedule delivery or choose a safe space if you won’t be home.
  • Lockers: Ever tried a locker? Companies like Amazon and EVRI offer the option to have your package delivered to a secure locker near your home, accessible only via a unique code assigned to you. It’s like having a personal vault for your deliveries.
  • Doorbell Cameras: Doorbell cameras are a game-changer in the battle against porch piracy. Imagine catching those would-be thieves red-handed, all from the comfort of your smartphone. SECOM’s smart video doorbell, for instance, keeps a vigilant eye on your doorstep with its wide field of view and built-in motion detection.
SECOM smart doorbell app
  • Home Security System: But why stop there? Investing in a comprehensive home security system is a wise move. Studies have shown that visible security measures, like CCTV cameras and motion detectors, act as a powerful deterrent against would-be intruders. Plus, with 24/7 monitoring from our ARC (alarm receiving centre), you can rest easy knowing your home is in good hands, even when you’re not there.
secom residential

So, if you’re keen to fortify your fortress against burglars and porch pirates alike, why not reach out to one of our advisors or sign up for our newsletter? With a bit of foresight and the right tools at your disposal, you can safeguard your deliveries and enjoy stress-free online shopping once more.