
PAVA (Public Address & Voice Alarm) systems

Issue clear voice instructions and lead staff to safety. Building fires can be extremely chaotic, and the mix of noises from people, bells, sounders and alarms can confuse people. Our PAVA system cuts through the noise and calmly directs staff and customers towards safety.
  • Quickly guide staff to safety with clear instructions
  • 30+ years’ experience in fire safety and security
  • Monthly inspections and testing on all installations
  • Your PAVA system is designed around your needs and building layout
  • End-to-end installation
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You're in good company with SECOM

Protect yourself from the devastating effects of fire

In 2022/23, there were 10,052 workplace fires, 282 more fires than the previous year, according to government data, with a majority of fires in industrial, food and drink, and retail premises. With each of those fires inside an occupied building, comes the risk of an injury or fatality.

Many offices have fire alarms and sounders installed that activate and ring loudly throughout a building, which doesn’t necessarily help guide staff towards fire exits and safety. A PAVA system is able to provide clearly heard instructions that staff can follow to reach safety. It’s not safe to assume that everyone knows the route to the fire exit, or the fire may have rendered the route unsafe.

Each PAVA system is tailored to your specific needs. We collaborate with you to thoroughly evaluate your building, selecting optimal pathways for your system to minimise potential injuries and maximise safe evacuation.

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What you get with SECOM’s
PAVA system

Keep staff safe

The PAVA system is loud and clear, allowing for concise instructions to be delivered over the system for staff and customers to head to safety. You can combine different elements of our fire and life safety systems to create a holistic structure that safeguards your business against the threat of fire.

Create an effective fire safety system

We offer a strong fire and life safety system, consisting of fire suppression products, emergency lighting systems and voice and communications. Fire and life safety: we have a number of different alarm systems available to choose from, as well as fire suppression and stopping solutions. Combine these with your emergency lighting system for a holistic system to stay safe. Emergency lighting: emergency lighting can be used throughout your building to safely guide staff towards fire exits or safe rallying points. Emergency Voice Communication System (EVCS): EVCS helps disabled or impaired people get help. The EVCS can be accessed by rescue staff who can effectively rescue anyone stranded in a building fire. When combined with elements of our life and fire safety system, your PAVA system will help keep people in your office building safe and quickly away from any areas of danger.

Supplementing your PAVA system with EVCS

It’s essential to make sure that any fire prevention system reaches everybody, and doesn’t leave any vulnerable individuals unable to reach help, or help themselves. That’s where our Emergency Voice Communication System (EVCS) comes in. EVCS: an emergency voice communication system aids disabled or mobility-impaired individuals in communicating with emergency services and colleagues during a fire incident. It also facilitates communication among the fire brigade, emergency marshals, and evacuees to mitigate confusion and ensure everyone's safety.

Built around your needs

Every building and every business is different, and that difference must be accounted for. Whether you have employees who require louder speakers or need them strategically placed in certain locations, our consultants will work with you to install your PAVA system to maximise its effectiveness. On top of designing your system, we install and maintain our security solutions ourselves, giving you true end-to-end support and service.

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Protect your business in four simple steps

Contact us

Speak to one of our expert Consultants to discuss your needs and we'll arrange a free site survey.

Get a survey

We’ll visit your business to discuss your PAVA system requirements and provide you with a detailed quote.


We’ll send a SECOM engineer to install the PAVA system in your office building and show you how it all works.


Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with ongoing SECOM security and one year’s service.