
CCTV vs security guards: protecting your retail business

Retail businesses face an increasing number of threats across the UK. Shoplifting is hitting record highs and 9 in 10 retail workers report having been shouted at, spat on, threatened or hit. Retail businesses and associations are conducting campaigns to encourage shoppers to treat shop workers with the respect they deserve. However, the greatest deterrent will always be proper security, whether in the form of visible CCTV or security guards.

Among the most common methods of securing a retail space are CCTV and security guards. Both have their merits, but which is the better choice for your retail business? 

This blog will explore the strengths and limitations of CCTV and security guards to help you make an informed decision about the best way to protect your store.

The role of CCTV in retail security

CCTV (closed-circuit television) systems have become a staple in retail security. They offer several advantages that make them an appealing choice for many businesses.

Continuous surveillance

One of the primary benefits of CCTV is its ability to provide round-the-clock surveillance. Unlike security guards, who require breaks and shifts, CCTV cameras operate 24/7, ensuring your store is monitored at all times. This continuous vigilance can deter potential criminals who know they are being watched, potentially reducing the likelihood of theft and vandalism.

Evidence collection

CCTV systems are invaluable for recording incidents as they happen. In the unfortunate event of a crime, having high-quality footage can be crucial for identifying suspects and providing evidence to law enforcement. This can be particularly useful in resolving disputes or clarifying events that may occur within your store.

Remote monitoring

Modern CCTV systems often come with remote access features, allowing you to monitor your store from anywhere using a smartphone or computer. This flexibility ensures that even if you are not physically present, you can keep an eye on your business operations and address any potential issues promptly.


In the long run, CCTV systems can be more cost-effective compared to hiring security guards. While the initial setup of CCTV can be expensive, it generally involves a one-time investment with minimal ongoing costs. In contrast, security guards require regular wages and benefits, making them a more recurrent expense.

The benefits of security guards

While CCTV systems offer numerous advantages, security guards also play a vital role in retail security. Their presence and proactive measures can be highly effective in maintaining a secure environment.

Immediate response

Unlike CCTV, which primarily records incidents, security guards offer an immediate response to suspicious activity. While CCTV systems connected to Alarm Receiving Centres (ARCs) can trigger police response, guards provide real-time intervention in-store, crucial for preventing or stopping criminal activities before they escalate.

Personal interaction

Security guards offer a personal touch that CCTV cameras cannot. They can engage with customers, create a welcoming atmosphere, and build relationships with both staff and shoppers. This human element can enhance overall security and deter potential criminals who are less likely to target a store with a visible security presence.

Versatility and adaptability

Security guards are versatile and can adapt their strategies based on real-time observations. For example, if a guard notices an unusual pattern of behaviour or a potential threat, they can adjust their approach to address the situation effectively. This flexibility is something CCTV systems lack, as they can only record based on their programmed settings.

Enhanced customer service

In addition to their security role, security guards can assist with customer service tasks such as answering queries, helping customers find products, or managing crowd control during busy periods. This additional support can enhance the overall shopping experience, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

CCTV vs security guards: finding the right balance

When it comes to choosing between CCTV and security guards, it’s essential to consider the specific needs of your retail business. For many stores, a combination of both CCTV and security guards can provide a comprehensive security solution. CCTV can offer continuous surveillance, evidence collection and a growing set of capabilities as technology advances, while security guards can provide immediate response and a personal presence.

Hybrid approach

Implementing a hybrid approach allows you to maximise the strengths of both CCTV and security guards. CCTV can act as a deterrent and record incidents, while security guards can handle immediate threats and interact with customers. This balanced strategy ensures that your store is well-protected and that you have multiple layers of security in place.

Assessing your needs

Evaluate the size of your store, the level of risk, and your budget when deciding on your security strategy. Smaller stores may find that CCTV alone is sufficient, while larger establishments or those in high-risk areas might benefit more from a combination of both CCTV and security guards.

Making the right choice

In the ongoing debate of CCTV vs security guards, both have distinct advantages that can enhance the protection of your retail business. CCTV systems offer continuous monitoring, evidence collection, and cost-effectiveness, while security guards provide immediate response, personal interaction, and versatility. By understanding the strengths of each, you can develop a security strategy that best suits your retail environment. 

Learn more about our commercial CCTV systems. Designed to protect your stock, staff and overall business, it can also provide operational insights, and work in sync with other security solutions.