Understanding London’s 10 Worst Burglary Hotspots and How to Protect Your Home

London, with its diverse and bustling neighbourhoods, faces significant challenges regarding burglary.

Understanding the areas most affected and how to enhance home security is crucial for residents. This guide explores the ten worst burglary hotspots in London and provides educational insights on preventing burglaries, highlighting the role of SECOM’s smart security solutions.

Worst Burglaries by Borough:

  1. Westminster: Leading the list, Westminster recorded 3,374 burglaries last year. With a burglary rate of 16.52 per 1,000 residents, the high density of valuable properties in this area makes it an attractive target for burglars​.
  2. Kensington and Chelsea: This affluent borough experienced 1,635 burglaries, with a burglary rate of 11.4 per 1,000 residents.
  3. Camden: Camden saw 2,350 burglaries, resulting in a burglary rate of 11.19 per 1,000 residents. This mix of residential and commercial properties contributes to its higher rate.
  4. Hackney: This borough saw 2,687 burglaries.
  5. Islington: This borough faced a burglary rate of 9.46 per 1,000 residents.
  6. Southwark: This central borough had 2,426 burglaries with a rate of 8.63 per 1,000 residents.
  7. Tower Hamlets: With 2,612 burglaries, Tower Hamlets faces challenges due to its densely populated urban environment​​.
  8. Hammersmith and Fulham: With a rate of 8.24 per 1,000 residents, Hammersmith and Fulham remains a target for burglaries.
  9. Enfield: Enfield saw a rate of 8.04 per 1,000 residents.
  10. Lewisham: Completing the list, Lewisham faced 2,297 burglaries, showing significant security challenges in its residential neighbourhoods​.

Enhancing Home Security: SECOM’s Smart Solutions

Given the high burglary rates in these areas, adopting effective security measures is crucial for residents. SECOM offers advanced smart security solutions designed to prevent burglaries and enhance home safety. Live in one of these burglary hotspots? Here’s how our technologies can help keep you and your home safe:

Smart Alarms and Sensors

SECOM Smart Security is a professionally monitored alarm system. This means it is supervised by a dedicated team of security experts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the event of a burglary, your smart home security system will sound an alarm and send an alert to our UK alarm receiving centre. We will then contact your nominated keyholders and, depending on your response package, either notify the police or send a professional keyholder or security guard to your property.

Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)

Your commercial intruder alarm system will be connected to our state-of-the-art Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), which is manned 24/7 by SECOM security experts. They monitor your alarms and react with utmost priority when an intruder has breached your premises, or if alarms are activated.

Practical Tips for Homeowners

In addition to using advanced security systems like those offered by SECOM, here are some practical steps homeowners can take to enhance their security:

  • Always ensure that all doors and windows are securely locked before leaving the house.
  • Notify trusted neighbours of your absences.
  • Keep valuables out of sight and consider using a safe for extra protection.
  • Ensure that entry points to your home are well-lit and not obscured by overgrown plants or trees.
  • Regularly test your security systems and alarms to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  • Take measures to ensure letters and parcels are kept out of sight.
  • Set a timer on the switches of your lights to give the impression that someone is at home.
  • User a timer to turn on the radio or TV to convey by sound that someone may be in.
  • If you have shutters on your windows, it is safer to keep them tightly closed.
  • Be careful of the content and timing of your posts on social media.

Stay safe and enjoy peace of mind!

How To Keep Your Small Business Safe And Secure

As a small business owner, you know that your assets, staff and reputation are everything. But many small business owners can be tempted to forgo comprehensive security measures to protect them. 

Whether it’s due to cost concerns or complexity, it’s vital to understand the importance of security and the specific risks you may face while running a business. In this article, you’ll find practical tips and tricks for keeping your small business safe and secure, even with limited resources – so you can keep growing your business with peace of mind. 

Understanding the importance of security

Security isn’t just about taking precautions for theft and cybercrime. Often, small businesses are made targets for crime due to their perceived vulnerabilities. After all, large corporations are more likely to adopt comprehensive security systems, becoming less attractive to criminals. 

And when incidents do occur in small businesses, the financial and operational impacts can be catastrophic. In fact, 60% of small companies close within 6 months of facing cybercrime alone. With around 1.79 million SMEs being victims of at least one crime in the last two years, it’s important to prevent the effects.

Cybersecurity: Protecting your digital assets

In an increasingly digital age, cybersecurity should be one of your top priorities. Small businesses must implement strong cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive information from cyber threats.

Implement strong password policies

Ensure that all employees use strong, unique passwords for their accounts. Regularly update these passwords and consider using password management tools to maintain security without sacrificing convenience.

Use multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an additional layer of security by requiring two or more verification methods to access accounts. This reduces the risk of unauthorised access even if passwords are compromised.

Regular software updates

Keep all software, including operating systems and applications, up to date. Regular updates patch vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could exploit.

Employee training

Educate employees on the importance of cybersecurity. Training should cover recognising phishing emails, safe browsing practices, and the significance of reporting suspicious activities.

Physical security: safeguarding your premises

While digital threats are prominent, physical security should not be overlooked. Protecting your business premises is fundamental to ensuring the overall security of your operations.

Secure entry points & access control systems

Install robust locks and security systems on all entry points. Consider using access control systems that limit entry to authorised personnel only.

Surveillance and CCTV systems

Deploy CCTV cameras strategically around your premises. Surveillance systems deter potential intruders and provide valuable evidence in the event of a security breach.

Alarm systems

Invest in alarm systems that can alert you and the authorities to any unauthorised entry or suspicious activities. Regularly test these systems to ensure they are functioning correctly.


Adequate lighting around the exterior of your business premises can deter criminal activities. Motion-activated lights are particularly effective in high-risk areas.

Developing a comprehensive security plan

A well-rounded security strategy involves planning and preparedness. Developing a comprehensive security plan tailored to your business’s specific needs is vital.

Risk assessment

Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities in your business. Understanding the specific risks your business faces allows you to implement targeted security measures.

Security policies

Develop clear security policies that outline procedures for preventing and responding to security incidents. Ensure all employees are aware of and adhere to these policies.

Incident response plan

Prepare an incident response plan detailing steps to take in the event of a security breach. This plan should include communication protocols, containment procedures, and recovery strategies.

Security requires a multi-layered approach

Securing your small business requires a multi-layered approach that addresses both digital and physical threats. By implementing strong cybersecurity measures, enhancing physical security, protecting data, and developing a comprehensive security plan, you can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches. 

Remember, the safety and security of your business are ongoing processes that require vigilance and regular updates.

To further safeguard your business, consider consulting with security experts who can provide tailored solutions and ongoing support. Talk to our team today to learn how we can help you fortify your small business against potential threats and ensure a secure future.

What is Physical Security and Why Does Your Business Need it?

In a digital-first world, the importance of physical security is often underestimated. 

While cybersecurity measures are critical, safeguarding physical assets and ensuring the safety of personnel remains just as important. 

Physical security encompasses a broad range of practices and technologies designed to protect people, property, and information from physical threats. This article will explore the various components and significance of physical security, highlighting why it remains a crucial aspect of comprehensive security strategies.

Understanding physical security

Physical security refers to the protection of physical assets from threats such as theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and terrorism. It involves the deployment of security measures and protocols to deter potential threats, detect intrusions, and respond effectively to any breaches. 

Physical security is not limited to locks and fences; it encompasses a multifaceted approach involving technology, human intervention, and strategic planning.

The components of physical security


One of the primary goals of physical security is to deter potential intruders. Visible security measures such as CCTV cameras, security personnel, and access control systems serve as deterrents. These measures signal to potential threats that the premises are well-protected, thereby reducing the likelihood of an incident.


In the event that deterrence fails, timely detection of unauthorised access or suspicious activity is crucial. Surveillance systems, motion detectors, and alarm systems play a vital role in identifying potential threats. These technologies enable real-time monitoring and alert security personnel to take immediate action.


Physical security measures are also designed to delay intruders, providing enough time for response teams to act. Barriers such as security doors, reinforced windows, and bollards can slow down intruders, preventing quick access to sensitive areas.


The final component of physical security is the response. This includes the actions taken once a threat has been detected. Response measures can range from notifying law enforcement to activating on-site security teams. Effective response plans are critical to minimising damage and ensuring the safety of personnel.

The importance of physical security

Protecting assets

Businesses and organisations invest significantly in physical assets, including equipment, infrastructure, and intellectual property. Physical security measures are essential to safeguard these investments. For instance, data centres require robust physical security to protect servers and data storage devices from physical damage or theft.

Ensuring personnel safety

The safety of employees and visitors is a fundamental concern for any organisation. Physical security measures such as secure entry points, emergency exits, and evacuation plans are vital to ensure the well-being of individuals on the premises. In the case of natural disasters or other emergencies, these measures can be life-saving.

Complementing cybersecurity

While cybersecurity protects against digital threats, physical security ensures that the physical components of an IT infrastructure are secure. A comprehensive security strategy integrates both physical and digital protections. For example, securing server rooms with access controls and surveillance can prevent unauthorised individuals from physically tampering with hardware.

Challenges in implementing physical security

Evolving threats

The landscape of physical security is constantly changing, with new threats emerging regularly. Organisations must stay updated with the latest security technologies and practices to address these evolving risks. This requires continuous investment in training, equipment, and infrastructure.

Balancing security and accessibility

Striking the right balance between robust security and accessibility can be challenging. Overly stringent measures can hinder daily operations and inconvenience staff and visitors. It is essential to design security protocols that are effective yet do not disrupt the normal functioning of the organisation.

Integrating technology

The integration of advanced technologies such as biometrics, AI-powered surveillance, and IoT devices has revolutionised physical security. However, implementing these technologies requires significant expertise and resources. Organisations must ensure that their security personnel are adequately trained to utilise these systems effectively.

Physical security protects people, property and assets. 

Physical security is an indispensable aspect of any comprehensive security strategy. It encompasses a wide array of measures designed to protect people, property, and information from physical threats. 

From deterrence and detection to delay and response, each component plays a critical role in safeguarding assets and ensuring the safety of personnel. As threats continue to evolve, organisations must remain vigilant and proactive in enhancing their physical security measures.

To learn more about how you can enhance the physical security of your organisation, explore our range of physical security systems today. 

6 Things Smart Security Systems Can Do For Retail

Smart security is transforming retail and emerging as an indispensable tool for enhancing both operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. With advanced security systems, retailers can find plenty of benefits, like improved access control and queue-busting technology. 

Dive into six ways that smart security systems are revolutionising the retail industry.

1. Enhanced access control

Ensuring the safety of both customers and employees is a top priority for any retail establishment. Smart security systems significantly bolster access control by leveraging technologies such as biometric scanners, facial recognition, and RFID tags. 

These systems can regulate entry to sensitive areas, preventing unauthorised access and reducing the risk of theft or fraud. And, they provide detailed logs of entry and exit times, which can be crucial for auditing purposes and enhancing overall security protocols.

2. Advanced surveillance capabilities

Traditional surveillance systems often fall short in terms of coverage and clarity. Smart security systems, however, utilise high-definition cameras and advanced analytics to provide comprehensive surveillance solutions. These systems can automatically detect unusual activities, such as loitering or shoplifting, and alert security personnel in real time. 

The integration of artificial intelligence also enables these systems to differentiate between normal and suspicious behaviour, thereby reducing the incidence of false alarms and ensuring a more effective security response.

3. Queue-busting techniques and heat mapping

Customer experience is paramount in the retail industry, and long queues can significantly detract from it. Smart security systems offer innovative queue-busting techniques that streamline the checkout process. By using real-time data, these systems can predict peak shopping times and adjust staffing levels accordingly, ensuring that customers are served promptly.

Heat mapping technology also plays a crucial role in understanding customer behaviour within the store. Heat maps provide visual representations of foot traffic, highlighting areas with high customer engagement and those that are underutilised. Retailers can use this data to optimise store layout, enhance product placement, and ultimately improve sales.

4. Loss prevention and asset protection

Retailers face constant challenges from both internal and external threats. Smart security systems are adept at mitigating these risks through advanced loss-prevention strategies. 

Features such as electronic article surveillance (EAS) and smart tagging can deter shoplifting and provide immediate alerts when suspicious activities are detected. Additionally, these systems can monitor employee activities, helping to prevent internal theft and ensuring that store policies are adhered to.

5. Improved inventory management

Maintaining accurate inventory levels is critical for the success of any retail business. Smart security systems assist in this endeavour by integrating with inventory management software to provide real-time updates on stock levels. 

This integration helps in identifying discrepancies promptly, reducing the chances of stockouts or overstocking. Furthermore, smart systems can track the movement of goods from the warehouse to the sales floor, ensuring that inventory is efficiently managed and readily available to meet customer demand.

6. Enhanced customer insights and personalisation

Understanding customer preferences and behaviours is essential for creating personalised shopping experiences. Smart security systems collect and analyse vast amounts of data, providing retailers with valuable insights into customer buying patterns. 

This information can be used to tailor marketing strategies, improve customer engagement, and foster brand loyalty. For instance, data collected from smart cameras and sensors can reveal which products are most frequently interacted with, allowing retailers to adjust their stock and marketing efforts accordingly.

Smart CCTV: transforming the retail industry

Smart security systems are transforming the retail industry by offering a wide range of benefits that go beyond traditional security measures. Enhanced access control ensures the safety of both employees and customers, while advanced surveillance capabilities provide comprehensive monitoring solutions. 

Queue-busting techniques and heat mapping technology improve customer experience and optimise store operations. Furthermore, these systems play a crucial role in loss prevention, inventory management, and providing valuable customer insights.

Incorporating smart security systems into retail operations not only enhances security but also drives efficiency and profitability. Retailers who embrace these advanced technologies are better positioned to meet the evolving demands of their customers and stay ahead in a competitive market. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, smart security systems will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of this transformation, ensuring a safer, more efficient, and customer-centric shopping experience.

Discover how SECOM smart security solutions can optimise your business. 

6 Things Smart Security Can Do For Your Restaurant

Security systems for businesses have evolved significantly in recent years, offering innovative solutions that go beyond simple surveillance. 

For restaurant owners, these advancements can mean the difference between a smooth operation and potential issues. Here, we explore six key benefits that smart security systems can provide for your restaurant.

1. Enhanced surveillance and monitoring

Modern security systems for businesses have revolutionised surveillance, offering high-definition cameras with night vision and remote access. This means that you can monitor your restaurant in real-time, from anywhere in the world, using your smartphone or tablet. 

Enhanced surveillance helps deter potential intruders and can provide critical evidence in the event of theft or vandalism. Additionally, continuous monitoring can ensure that your staff adheres to health and safety regulations, promoting a safe and hygienic environment for your customers.

2. Heat mapping for customer insights

Heat mapping technology is a powerful tool for understanding customer behaviour within your restaurant. By tracking and analysing foot traffic patterns, heat maps can show which areas of your restaurant are most popular and which are underutilised. 

This information can be invaluable for optimising your layout, improving service efficiency, and enhancing the overall customer experience. For instance, you might discover that a certain area frequently becomes congested, prompting you to rearrange furniture or adjust staffing levels to better accommodate your patrons.

3. Alarms for fridges and freezers

In the restaurant industry, maintaining the correct temperature for food storage is crucial to ensure safety and compliance with health regulations. Smart security systems can include alarms for fridges and freezers, which alert you immediately if temperatures deviate from the safe range. 

This early warning system can prevent costly spoilage and ensure that your food inventory remains fresh and safe for consumption. Such proactive measures can save you money and protect your reputation by preventing potential food safety issues.

4. Access control and employee management

Smart security systems offer sophisticated access control solutions, allowing you to regulate who enters specific areas of your restaurant. This can include restricting access to stock rooms, kitchens, or offices to authorised personnel only. Access control not only enhances security but also helps in managing employee attendance and punctuality. 

You can track who enters and exits the premises, ensuring that your staff adhere to their schedules and that unauthorised individuals do not gain access to sensitive areas. This feature is particularly useful for restaurants with high employee turnover or those operating in busy urban areas.

5. Remote management and alerts

One of the significant advantages of smart security systems for businesses is the ability to manage and monitor your restaurant remotely. You can receive real-time alerts on your mobile device for any suspicious activities, such as unauthorised entry, unusual motion, or alarms triggered by temperature fluctuations in your fridges and freezers. 

This capability allows you to respond promptly to potential issues, even when you are off-site. Remote management ensures that you are always in control and can maintain the security and efficiency of your restaurant from anywhere.

6. Improved customer and staff safety

Safety is a top priority for any restaurant owner. Smart security systems for businesses can enhance the safety of both your customers and staff through features like panic buttons, emergency alerts, and integrated communication systems. In the event of an emergency, such as a fire or a medical issue, staff can quickly alert authorities and other employees, ensuring a swift response.

Additionally, visible security measures can reassure customers that their safety is being taken seriously, which can enhance their overall dining experience and foster a positive image of your establishment.

Enhance your restaurant operations

Investing in advanced security systems for businesses is a strategic move for any restaurant owner. Beyond traditional surveillance, these systems offer a range of features that can enhance security, improve operational efficiency, and provide valuable insights into customer behaviour. 

From heat mapping and fridge alarms to remote management and access control, smart security systems are indispensable tools for modern restaurant management. By embracing these technologies, you can protect your business, ensure the safety of your staff and customers, and create a more efficient and enjoyable dining environment.

In a world where safety and efficiency are paramount, smart security systems stand out as a critical investment for the success and longevity of your restaurant. Discover a wide range of smart security with SECOM.

SECOM’s Physical Security Journey by Calvin Avery

SECOM’s Head of Physical Security Calvin Avery reflects on his journey building our Physical Division and recounts about the remarkable achievements they have accomplished over the years in making the department what they are today.

The Beginning – a 5 year plan

“When I took over the Physical Division 5 years ago, it was clear that I needed to identify where we needed to improve to become a successful part of SECOM. I was given the green light by the board to do what was necessary to transform Physical (with little to no investment). This gave me an opportunity to change fundamentally by using our initiative. I saw the need to build an entirely new division using the existing team and the framework that was in place at the time.

“I decided to put a 5-year plan together that needed targets to be hit on a yearly basis to achieve our goals. My team consists of 2 Administrators, 3 Engineers and 2 Designers. Without them I would not have been able to achieve my 5-year plan and they need to be acknowledged. The knowledge and longevity of my team was very apparent, just under utilised.

“Physical was known for gates, barriers, bollards and roller shutters and a few bespoke fabricated jobs. Our office was based near Maidstone and not very appealing. Hardly anybody knew where we were, or that we even existed (including our own staff!) My first thought was to redesign the interior of our building. I had engineers and the fabricators at my fingertips so it made sense to do everything ourselves. We painted every room and the exterior facade in our own time. Sometimes we would work till late at night as long as pizza was mentioned, and some weekends were thrown in. We built a meeting room and a large demo room. For new furniture we begged and borrowed anything we could get our hands and bought via ebay.

“One of the hardest things on our journey was to keep Physical going whilst all this work was going on. We opened a revamped Physical Division within 8 months to a rousing success. Whilst we were doing all this work, I could see that my team where re-energised and pumped, and I wanted that to continue. We had a meeting where I outlined that we were going to build on what we offered to our customers. Instead of offering 5 products we now offer over 50, and growing! It’s all about offering a service through innovation and commitment from my team.

The Middle – a new office

“Due to the success of what we had achieved over the first 2 and a half years, we were rewarded with a new unit in Rochester! The board employed an interior building company to build and decorate offices and a mezzanine. This took longer than expected due to the Covid 19 pandemic and I had to project manage the work as well as simultaneously move Physical in the right direction. From start to finish it took around a year, but it has all been worth it. We now have a large new workshop, a demo room and separate floors Physical and National Accounts which is also home to Internal Sales.

“Part of my role is to bring in new Physical products for SECOM. One product came to my attention: an Xpanda. It’s a sliding retractable gate that acts as a deterrent and is manufactured in South Africa. Instinctively we knew that when Covid 19 hit, this product would become invaluable; and so it proved to be! A well-known pharmaceutical company became a regular target in the high street, so we managed to install and secure over 250 Xpanda jobs during the pandemic. I’m very proud of my team in the way we handled that unfortunate time with the rules and restrictions put in place. I dealt with South Africa on a regular basis to make sure we had enough containers shipped over to keep up with the demand.

“The service Physical provided during this time was second to none. Because of that success we are now installing Xpandas for a large retail outlet. In this period I also brought in fire stopping and fire doors which over the years has grown substantially. Fire stopping products are used for compartmentation. They are unique and they can save lives; particularly in the light of what happened at Grenfell Tower. If the building had been fire stopped it would have saved so many lives. We have recently fire stopped hundreds of hotels throughout the UK and Ireland.

“I have recently discovered another new product that I am very excited to share, and believe will do very well. That is our new SECOM Physical Security Plantation Shutters. They are an amazing product that can complement the look of your property whilst keeping you safe and secure. Our shutters come in 5 standard colours, however we can do custom colours. The beauty of our shutters is that they can be installed internally or externally for windows and doors. They are extremely strong and versatile, providing total privacy, and with a flick of a finger you can allow as much or as little light as you like. It doesn’t matter if your property is new, old or under construction, we can tailor the install to meet your needs. These luxurious aluminium shutters are very high quality. They can be used everywhere within your property. They are weatherproof for patios and entertaining areas. They can even be used for wardrobes and accessorising areas.

“Because our shutters are so strong and secure, we have been asked to make the top floors of some properties into a safe area. This allows you to have peace of mind by simply installing an internal sliding shutter at the top of the stairwell or any other potential area that suits to protect you and your family. SECOM Physical offers a quality assured product with a 10-year guarantee. My team will survey free of charge and advise you on the best way to utilise your new luxury security shutters.

Not the end – a bright future

“I have achieved my 5-year plan and Physical is a well-established division within SECOM now. I think my team have been my biggest success. I need to thank them for all their help over the last 5 years because I would not have been able to achieve what I set out to do without them. My team and I are committed. We believe that Physical still has a long way to go and we believe that we will get bigger and better over the coming years.”

If you are considering having Physical Security to help give your property that extra level of protection, whether it’s for your business or your home, contact us to get a free quote/survey today. Our demo room is open to all!