
10 Ways to Stay Safe Using ChatGPT

While AI chatbots like ChatGPT can be powerful tools, it’s essential to use them responsibly to ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone. Here are 10 ways to stay safe using ChatGPT or other AI chatbots:

1. Avoid sharing personal or sensitive information

Never share your full name, address, phone number, passwords, or any other personal or sensitive information with ChatGPT or any other AI chatbot. These platforms are not designed to handle sensitive data and could pose a risk if misused.

2. Be cautious with financial information

Do not provide any financial information, such as credit card numbers or bank account details, to ChatGPT. Similarly, be wary of any requests from the AI to share such information.

3. Recognise limitations

Remember that chatbots like ChatGPT is an AI language model and not a human. It doesn’t have personal experiences or emotions. Avoid forming emotional attachments to AI or divulging overly personal information.

4. Report inappropriate behaviour

If you encounter any offensive, harmful, or inappropriate responses from the chatbot or ChatGPT, report the issue to the platform or service provider. Feedback from users is essential to improve AI systems’ safety and performance.

5. Avoid spreading misinformation

Be cautious when using AI chatbots like ChatGPT to obtain information. It’s always better to cross-check facts from reliable sources, especially for critical decisions or sensitive topics.

6. Don’t use AI to promote hate speech or illegal activities

Avoid using AI chatbots or ChatGPT to generate content that promotes hate, violence, discrimination, or any illegal activities.

7. Set clear boundaries

Remember that you have control over the conversation. If ChatGPT or AI chatbots provide responses that make you uncomfortable, discontinue the interaction or change the subject.

8. Supervise AI usage for young people

If young people are using ChatGPT or other AI chatbots, ensure they are under adult supervision. Young users might be more susceptible to sharing personal information or engaging in risky behaviours.

9. Read and follow the platform’s guidelines

Different AI platforms may have specific usage guidelines or terms of service. Familiarise yourself with these guidelines and adhere to them.

10. Keep in mind that AI is not a substitute for professional advice

While ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can provide general information, it is not a replacement for professional advice from qualified experts, especially for medical, legal, or financial matters.

By following these safety tips, users can have a more secure and positive experience while interacting with AI chatbots like ChatGPT. Responsible usage of AI ensures that these tools continue to be valuable assets without compromising user safety or privacy.